Friday, January 20, 2012

My GO-TO {pregnant} Salad

This being pregnant thing is crazy ... I know it's different for everyone. But I am so glad I pulled the straw I did ... I DO NOT WANT ANYTHING SWEET!

In fact it's the opposite .. the more savoury the better. Spicy, salty, you name it I am there. Salsa, Chili, Feta Cheese, OLIVES and Axel's fantastic spaghetti sauce are just a few things that get routinely rotated throughout the week.

But this week it's all about one of my all-time favorite salads. I used to order it at least once a week at a little cafe just a block from the newspaper offices in Everett.

The must have ingredients are a huge pile of fresh spinach leaves!

Plus spring (or finely chopped red) onions and lots of sliced mushrooms.

Optional ingredients include croutons, crumbled bacon and / or grated mature goat's cheese or parmesan.

But the SECRET? The secret is in the dressing!
Ok, so I don't actually use measurements .. I just start pouring into a glass jar until it looks right and adjust if necessary. It starts with soy sauce probably about 1/3 to 1/2 of the total quantity you're making. Then add a splash of vinegar - I use water I have on hand: rice, white wine, apple and you could probably even try balsamic, but I avoid just plain white vinegar - ew! Then double the quantity by topping up with oil and I always add a bit of water. Screw the cap on a give it a good shake! I love how it gets a bit foamy ... dip a spinach leaf in and taste ... maybe a bit more soy sauce (to add flavor and saltiness), if it's too strong add a bit more water. 

Let me tell you, this salad hits the spot every single time! I've had it for lunch every day this week.

With WINTER spinach I tend to tear it up quite a bit because the leaves are thicker. You can even get away with dressing this salad and tossing it a few times before serving.

With tender spinach you probably don't want to handle it as much - the leaves are usually more tender and smaller so dress and toss just before serving.

And enjoy!

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